Incorporating ‘The Bribery Act 2010 2018
“Any person commits an offence if that person by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and wilfully, provides or collects funds with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out terrorism Any other act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act."
When entering into a relationship with a foreign country Ariana Exchange should ensure that their standards meet or exceed the EU standard
Responsibility for subsidiaries and branches is to become more structured
Fit and Proper Person tests will be mandatory for FX Trust and Company Service Providers and Gambling Providers
Domestic PEPs and PEPs in International organisations now included
Identification of natural persons who are owners of legal persons
Financial inclusion is to be addressed
The recent introduction of the Bribery Act 2010 which came into force on the 1st of July 2011 has placed an obligation on all commercial entities to have in place policies and procedures to prevent any of the bribery offences outlined in the Act being committed by any person within Ariana Exchange Ltd or anyone associated with Ariana Exchange
Ltd. The legislation is wide in scope and introduces an extra territorial dimension seldom seen in the United Kingdom.
The key offences which could possibly affect Ariana Exchange Ltd are as follows:
The above offences are necessarily written in plain language and are self explanatory. Ariana Exchange Ltd has always had a robust and transparent approach to business in keeping with the business ethos, the Bribery Act requires such an approach to be documented and available for inspection should it be required.
The Act recognises that any commercial organisation can become an unwitting accessory to a bribery offence and it is for that reason a written and robust policy is necessary. A defence to a Section 1, 2, or 6 offences is that adequate procedures were in place.
A Section 7 offence will be committed where no such procedures are in place. It is for Ariana Exchange Ltd to prove (should the need arise) that it has such a written policy.
This policy is designed to be proportionate to the risk the business faces. It has been prepared at the behest of and has the full support of the shareholders and all the key stakeholders in Ariana Exchange Ltd
Every new employee undergoes induction and familiarisation training on the business or their particular area of it. Such induction training will now include a short introduction to the relevant offences and will require the employee to sign as having understood the policy on corrupt activity. It is accepted that most new employees will not be in a position to be subjected to the temptation to commit a bribery offence but it is policy that all employees understand the requirement. Thereafter the employee will receive training as and when required, such training to be determined by the person appointed to oversee the bribery prevention strategy of Ariana Exchange Ltd.
Ariana Exchange Ltd uses a number of methods of recruitment including recruitment agencies where such agencies are used it will ensure that a formal contract clearly delineating fees etc is produced, no informal ad hoc procedures with such agencies will be tolerated.
All staff will receive basic awareness training on a risk based basis and this training will be reviewed and renewed on a regular basis. The timing, content and method of the training will be determined by senior management.
Budget holders, senior management, and those charged with fiscal responsibilities within Ariana Exchange Ltd who could be considered more vulnerable to the bribery offences will receive face to face training on a regular basis.
Affiliates and associates introducers and agents where they exist will receive written advice on the anti-bribery policy and will be expected to agree in writing that they accept and will comply with the policy in all their dealings with Ariana Exchange Ltd.
Ariana Exchange Ltd has relationships with a number of third parties, suppliers and providers of different products Prior to entering into a relationship with any new third party basic due diligence will be carried out to determine their probity and vulnerability to exposure to bribery. All contracts with such parties will be transparent and based on sound commercial principles of value for money.
Where a relationship already exists with a third party prior to the implementation of the Act due diligence will be carried out over time using a risk based approach. All third parties of whatever nature shall be designated as high, medium or low risk as appropriate. Having had all areas of the business reviewed for compliance with the Bribery Act Ariana Exchange Ltd has determined that all areas to date are low risk but the situation will continue to be monitored
All such parties will be made aware of the policy with regard to combating bribery and all contracts will include a clause indicating that.
Ariana Exchange Ltd may from time to time give charitable donations to different organisations some possibly located outside the United Kingdom. Ariana Exchange Ltd recognises that where the donation is to be sent will determine its risk profile.
Therefore all donations of whatever nature will be transparent and documented, where the donation is solicited rather than offered due diligence will be carried out on the recipient. Where possible the relevant registration of a charitable organisation will be identified and independently verified.
Where a gift is given the name of the recipient, the nature of the gift (monetary or otherwise) the value of the gift and the reason for it will be recorded in a gift register retained by the relevant manager. Where a gift exceeds £20 in value authority must be sought from senior management for it.
Charitable donations will also be recorded in a charity register, outlining the charity, whether the donation was solicited or offered the location of the charity, the amount of the donation and its purpose i.e. education, child protection etc. The purpose will not be recorded if it is self evident e.g. the NSPCC.
Ariana Exchange Ltd may offer sponsorship of local events/teams/etc in order to raise the profile of the company. In the future all sponsorship will be formally documented and a contractual relationship entered into outlining our sponsorship in terms of its nature and the undertaking of the party so sponsored that no undue influence or unfair advantage has been given to the company as a result of such sponsorship.
Where the sponsorship could involve significant reputational risk to Ariana Exchange Ltd a clause detailing the need for ethical behaviour of the sponsored party will be contained within the contract of sponsorship. Breach of such a clause will result in the immediate termination of sponsorship.
Ariana Exchange Ltd recognises and rewards loyalty both internally and externally with its many business relationships with outside parties. It is also recognised by the legislature that such hospitality is normal legitimate business practice and should not be discouraged. The group may also be the recipient of such hospitality. What is discouraged and indeed is an offence of bribery is where such hospitality is given or received for the purpose of impropriety in business.
Therefore Ariana Exchange Ltd may from time to time on an ad hoc basis offer hospitality for legitimate purposes. In such an event the hospitality in question will be proportionate and reasonable. Any request to engage in corporate hospitality will be made to senior management with a detailed explanation for its necessity in order to forestall any allegation of impropriety. A record of all such hospitality will be kept in a manner and form similar to that used for charitable donations/gifts.
It will be made clear to the recipient(s) that such hospitality is offered without the intention of obtaining an improper advantage or retaining business improperly. Where a member of Ariana Exchange Ltd is the recipient, he or she should make it clear that the acceptance of such hospitality will not result in any improper advantage being offered to the host by Ariana Exchange Ltd
Ariana Exchange Ltd is committed to ensuring bribery is combated wherever it may occur within Ariana Exchange Ltd or its associates or third parties. To that end Ariana Exchange Ltd has instigated a “whistle blowing” policy. Any employee or associate may in confidence and at no risk to their relationship with Ariana Exchange Ltd make a report of their suspicions with regard to an act of bribery to the head of HR, such a report shall remain confidential with the name of the person reporting kept secret.
Ariana Exchange Ltd has always conducted business in an open honest and fair manner. This policy document sets out the written procedures to be followed by all members of Ariana Exchange Ltd, while such procedures may not have been documented in the past they have been adhered to. In preparing this policy document Ariana Exchange Ltd has engaged outside specialists and is fully committed to the full implementation of the Bribery Act requirements. It has taken cognizance of the six principles and the
guidance issued and commended by the Secretary of State for Justice Kenneth Clarke MP.
Applicant Client Name and Address:
I confirm that this Money Laundering Checklist has been completed accurately and in full to the best of my knowledge, and in accordance with the firm’s internal money laundering procedures.
Date of completed checklist:
Confirmed by (Faisal Yaqin):
Client Identification |
Section 1 : Unregulated Corporate Clients |
1) Is the client a corporate entity?
If NO to question 1 then go directly to SECTION 2
If YES to question 1 then answer question 2 and either part A or part B
2) Please tick the appropriate box:
Have you conducted a Company Search
Or have you carried out an equivalent commercial enquiry |
Yes/No |
N.B. The ML Regs 2017 now require you to have identified all beneficial owners – i.e. those individuals who own/control more than 25% of the company share capital |
If completing this Section 1, choose either Part A or Part B below, according to the type of client |
Part A : UK and non-UK publicly quoted companies |
Please tick the appropriate boxes:
Is a copy of the latest company report and accounts attached?
Or which other check has been carried out? |
Yes/No Copy attached
Specify type |
Part B : Private unquoted companies |
3) Have you checked the Certificate of Incorporation or local equivalents? |
Yes/No Copy attached |
4) Have you checked either the latest company accounts or the company’s Memorandum of Association or local equivalent? |
Yes/No Copy attached |
5) Have you reviewed a current list of directors and shareholders? |
Yes/No Copy attached |
Yes/No |
6) Is the company carrying out higher risk business listed in Appendix 1? |
If YES to question 6, have you attached documentary evidence verifying the identity and residential address of all beneficial owners/2 directors and authorised signatories? |
Yes/No Copy attached |
If NO to question 6, have you obtained sufficient information to carry out an e-id |
check on all beneficial shareholders/2 directors and all authorised signatories?
7) Have you checked evidence of the individual’s authority to represent the Client? |
Yes/No Copy attached |
Section 2 : Partnerships / Unincorporated Businesses |
8) Is the client a partnership or unincorporated business?
If NO to question 8, go directly to SECTION 3
If YES to question 8, answer questions 9 and 10 |
Yes/No |
9) Please tick all the applicable boxes: |
i) Have you reviewed a current list of partners, beneficial shareholders and authorised signatories? |
Yes/No Copy attached |
ii) Have you checked and attached documentary evidence of the trading address of business or partnership? |
Yes/No Copy attached |
iii) Have you checked and attached the latest report and accounts? |
Yes/No Copy attached |
iv) Have you checked the nature of the business or partnership? |
Yes/No Specify check carried out |
10) If the client is a partnership, have you checked a mandate from the partnership conferring the relevant authorisations? |
Yes/No Copy attached |
Section 3 : Individuals |
11) Is the client acting as a private individual?
If YES to question 11, answer questions 12 or 13 and 14 |
Yes/No |
12) If the individual is domiciled in the UK have you obtained the following information to enable an e-id check |
Please tick all the applicable boxes:
i) The individuals true full name and/or names used
ii) The individuals current permanent address (including postcode)
iii) The individuals full Date of Birth
iv) Either the individuals driving licence number or passport number |
13) If the individual is not domiciled in the UK have you checked and attached the following documentary evidence:- |
Please tick all the applicable boxes: |
i) Copy of the individuals identity from the list A |
Yes/No Copy attached |
ii) Copy of the individuals identity from list B |
Yes/No Copy attached |
14) If the individual falls into one of the high risk categories listed in Appendix 1 have you done the following:- |
Please tick all applicable boxes: |
i) Obtain documentary evidence as in question 13 above AND |
Yes/No Copy attached |
ii) Referred the account to compliance for approval |
The compliance requirements as revised are based on the likelihood the 4MD threshold will be reduced6
GBP Amount |
ID Requirements |
Any amount to £ 2500 |
Photo ID is mandatory
- Passport - Full UK Driving License
- Provisional driving licence.
- Resident permit (with Photo) |
£ 2501 to £5000 |
1. Photo ID
2. Proof of address |
£5001and above |
1. Photo ID
2. Proof of address
3. Source of Funds (Bank Statement showing the funds not older than 3 months or cash withdrawal receipt verified by cashier) 4. Large transaction form ( purpose of remittance) |
Any transactions originating from or going to the same beneficiary which is linked and exceeds the thresholds in a 30 day period is to be treated as one transaction of that sum and relevant identification needs to be carried out. |
Current signed passport EEA member state ID card Northern Ireland voters card Resident permit EU national
Current EEA or UK photocard driving licence Current full old style driving licence
Benefit book or original notification letter from relevant benefits agency Inland Revenue tax notification
Photographic registration cards for those who are self-employed in the construction industry Shotgun / Firearms certificate
Record of a home visit
Confirmation from the electoral register Recent utility bill / statement
Valid local authority tax bill
EEA Member state ID card containing a current address7 Current UK driving licence with address8
Recent systems generated or signed documentation from a regulated financial sector firm containing clients address
Solicitors letter confirming recent house purchase NIHE/Council private rent card / tenancy agreement
Benefit book or original notification letter from relevant benefits agency9 Inland Revenue correspondence addressed to applicant10
7 Not if already used as primary identification 8 Not if already used as primary identification 9 Not if already used as primary identification 10 Not if already used as primary identification
The risk assessment has highlighted the areas in the table below as a high risk in terms of money laundering and enhanced due diligence is required. This means the following action is required:-
Risk Area |
High Risk |
Clients |
Trust company clients PEP’s Third party payments |
Transaction value |
Values 100,000 + |
Geographic profile |
Clients carrying out business through the following jurisdictions:- - Iran - Angola - North Korea - Ecuador - Ethiopia - Azerbaijan - Bolivia - Nigeria - Sudan - Syria - Turkey - Ukraine - Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) - Algeria - Indonesia - Myanmar |
Independent professionals with the Regulated sector e.g. solicitors or accountants if in doubt contact the MLRO/NO for examination of the certification.
Intermediary Introduction Certificate Confirmation of Verification of Identity Introduction by a Regulated Firm
Full name of customer:
Current address :
Previous address (if individual has changed address in the last three months):
Postcode: Date of birth
I/We confirm that:
Name Position
Signature Date
Full name of Regulated Firm (or Sole Trader)
Regulated reference number Regulatory institution
A separate confirmation must be completed for each customer (e.g. joint holders, trustee cases and joint life cases). Where a third party is involved, e.g. a payer of contributions who is different from the customer, the identity of that person must also be verified, and a confirmation provided. This form cannot be used to verify the identity of any customer that falls into one of the following categories: - those who are exempt from verification as being an existing customer of the introducing firm prior to the introduction of the requirement for such verification; - those who have been subject to Simplified Due Diligence under the Money Laundering Regulations; or - those whose identity has been verified using the source of funds as evidence. This confirmation must carry an original signature, or an electronic equivalent.
Name |
No. |
How did you hear about us? |
Registered number/VAT |
Date of Incorporation |
Nature of the Business |
Name of all Directors |
Name of all the beneficial owners who owns or control more than 25% of the company |
Turnover of the business |
Currency Required |
What is the purpose of the transaction you will carry out with our company? |
How often will you be sending money through our company? |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Other (please specify) |
What are the estimated currency transactions you will carry out through us? |
What is the destination of funds (country)? |
What is the relationship of the beneficiary? |
Please confirm that the funds are coming from the clients business account? If not Third Party Identification Form must be completed |
Yes |
No |
Signed off by Compliance |
Signed off by the MLRO |
Customer Name |
Customer No. |
How did you hear about us? |
Occupation |
Currency Required |
What is the purpose of the transaction you will carry out with our company? |
How often will you be sending money through our company? |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Other (please specify) |
What are your estimated currency transactions through our company? |
What is the destination of funds (country)? |
What is the relationship of the beneficiary? |
Please confirm that the funds are coming from the clients own account? If not Third Party Identification Form must be completed |
Yes |
No |
Comments |
Customer name: ID Ref.
Customer Address
Establishment Date: Country of Establishment:
Description of the type and purpose of the trust
Tick if Attached Tick if Attached
Tick if Attached
If the answer 5.2 Does the business to be undertaken with the client present a higher than standard money laundering
Tick if Attached
Tick if evidence attached
Date of completion:
Authority for account to be opened granted by:
Date of completion:
Registration form – Agent (KYC) |
Name of company |
CM No: |
Company registered address |
Company business address |
Howe did you hear about us? |
Company Contact Details |
Landline |
Mobile |
Email address |
Company registration number |
FCA registration number |
MLR certificate number and renewal date |
Company Director Details |
Name |
Mobile/Land line & Email |
Address |
Name of all beneficial owners who own or control more than 25% of the company. |
Name of MLRO / nominated officer |
Name(s) of individual(s) authorised to represent the company for cash handling |
How long has the business been operational? |
Company turnover |
Number of employees |
How often do you expect to transfer money through our company? |
Daily |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Other |
Estimated volume of transactions (£) |
Daily |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Yearly |
Expected number of transactions of £9,000 and over |
Daily |
Weekly |
Monthly Yearly |
Other |
What is the purpose of transaction? |
What is the source of fund? |
What destination countries will the business be mainly sending transfers to? |
Details of beneficiary company |
Full name |
Contact details (telephone and email) |
Address |
Name of all company directors who owns shares in the company |
I confirm that the information provided in this form is correct, accurate and to the best of my knowledge. I authorize you to verify and bear the responsibility to inform you within 30 days if there is/are any change(s) in the information provided above.
Date: / / Date: / /
Name of applicant Signed off by MLRO/NO
Mandatory list of documentary requirement:
Name of Document Required |
Please Tick (√) |
Account Opening Application Form |
MLR Certificate of Registration |
FCA Approval Letter |
Company House Certificate of Incorporation |
Director Identification |
Valid Passport |
Valid Proof of Address |
MRLO Identification |
Valid Photo ID |
Valid Proof of Address |
Fit and Profit Test Approval Letter |
Authorised Person Identification |
Valid Photo ID |
Recent Proof of Address (not older than three months) |
Letter of Authorisation |
Company Financial Status (if applicable) |
Recent Financial Statements |
Last Annual Returns |
Copy of Compliance Policy |
Beneficiary Company Incorporation Documents |
MLR Certificate |
Beneficiary Compliance Policy |
Name of company |
CM No: |
Company registered address |
Company business address |
How did you hear about us? |
Company Contact Details |
Landline |
Mobile |
Email address |
Company registration number/VAT |
Date of Incorporation |
Nature of the business |
Company Director Details |
Name |
Mobile/La ndline & |
Address |
Name of all beneficial owners who own or control more than 25% of the compnay |
Company turnover |
Currency required |
What is the purpose of transaction? |
Number of employees |
How often do you expect to transfer money through our company? |
Daily |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Other |
Estimated volume of transactions (£) |
Daily |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Yearly |
Expected number of transactions of £9,000 and over |
Daily |
Weekly |
Monthly Yearly |
Other |
What destination countries will the business be mainly sending transfers to? |
Name(s) of individual(s) authorised to represent the company for cash handling |
What is the relationship of the beneficiery? |
Please confirm that the funds are coming from the client business account. If not, Third Party Identification Form must be completed |
Yes / No |
I confirm that the information provided in this form is correct, accurate and to the best of my knowledge. I authorize you to verify and bear the responsibility to inform you within 30 days if there is/are any change(s) in the information provided above.
Date: / / Date: / /
Name of applicant Signed off by MLRO/NO
Mandatory list of documentary requirement: